
Saturday, September 5, 2009

i'm back.. :)

i'm back with smile..any update on my wed preparation? oh no at all. progress so slow (like snail) since last month i think.. :( 3months left. dunno whre to start. yesterday, list out my guest..ikutkan hati, still pk lmbt lg.. but, i know i'll miss sumbody's name if i didnt list it out.. to avoid this, force my finger to type all the name in excel.. at least, their nick name. pergh!! realize ramai juga kwn2 ku eyh.. i dun care cz had promise to invite them.. since we r in the same course, sure my fren is his frend too.. hehhe.. so cld devide into 2 la kot.. hehehe.. ;p
p/s to mummy : pls give me ur guest list ASAP eyh...otherwise jgn ckp lupa jemput si polan si polan yer...

wat else..

last friday, went to MATTA fair.. survey for honeymoon..till now, we cldnt decide where to go.. OMG, main reason?? xsure cuti smpi bila.. sedihnye. ;( redah hujan g PWTC tu..org lain sume g preview sale @ sogo, i redah hujan yg amat lebat ke sana.. hohoh... smpi sana.. hurm.. dukacita. air ticket x de promotion pun. cz dekat2 nk krismas..aiyarkk.. tu la sape suh kawen time2 krismas kan? hhahah!! en tunang kata "nothing much we can do..confirm je cuti, kita decide je la mana2 pun BUT dia xmau Indonesia" .. cuti2 msia je la nk?? :)

sila decide & book air ticket cepat2.. jgn tggu last min.. nati senasib dgn ku.. hukhukhuk

Ramadhan activities??

  • still x sempat buka with my lovely cousins + fwend..supposed last sat. but cancel. :( hanya brkunjung shopping mall menghabis kan duit & masa..

  • sgt boring x tau nk cr ape.. bley x?? actually x selesa.. crowded wif people..

  • Raya shopping? yurp! of course.. but not for me.. for HIM.. heheh.. n dh post ptg td.. kuih, dodol, bj melayu, kerepek, kacang, etc..skit jer.. but 5kgs.. hukhuk..hopefully sempat smpi b4 raya..1st time beli bj melayu.. n rasa sgt susah lg cr bj melayu compare bj kurung kot.. xbyk choice.

  • abaikan... ;P

    quality 1st!! then pening cr colour. purple, tiffany, drk brwn,pink?? end up = tiffany blue.. ;) x sempat snap pic parcel..
    mummy ask me to use pos laju as it will take 3-4 days delivery.. but, it cost me a boom! i use air parcel je.. cheaper n still secure.. delivery, for sure a bit lmbt but still smpi b4 raya kan?? :) only cost me rm 150 for 5kgs. pos laju nearly rm500 kot.. aish, bley dpt sunglass baru tu!! hee...

    wat else.. nothing to update dh kot.. tggu mood raya terakhir ku sbg ank dara plak laa... hohoho..


  1. dear,

    sorry too busy to give comment on your blog..
    headache with one subcontract worth SAR 600Million..

    anyway short comment!

    insya Allah i will submit my leave application latest on October 09. But pls doa byk2 sbb my business admin is an American who is terribly fussy.

    honeymoon? yeah pls to avoid indonesia or any other common places. try to be stamped your passport as much countries as u could. Indonesia both of us dah pergi. try to avoid HK as well. The rest should be okay.The cost leave it to me. I'm good in estimating and spending the money too hahah!

    ockay good luck!

    -sary street, jeddah-


Sweet notes