
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

borang nikah

Could anybody stop the time for a while? Now i realised, I hate ticker! and that’s why i put it at bottom.. reason, evrytime tgk si ticker tu bergerak.. haish,, make me nervous, panic etc.. 2 months left.. and i just noticed i didn’t fill in the ‘borang nikah’ yet! wahahahah! Ni mau kawen ke xmau nie?? Everytime people asked how’s ur wedd preparation?? My answerd wld be “ so far so good – sambil tersenyum cam kerang busuk” plus listing all the items yg dah settle; pelamin, souvenir, guest list, catering n bla bla bla.. wat about the form? Phew!! sgt tersentak.. NOT YET..

Some queries bout the form..

1. Cld i just print the form frm the internet? Or still have to get it from pejabat agama??

2. If not mistaken, have to send it to pejabat agama at least 1mth earlier, is it?

3. Cld anyone else send it to pej agama on behalf of me?

Hurm.. Maybe i should request bloggers which has been “married” to share the procedure kot? Anybody volunteer? Hehehhe..


  1. hahahaa of all things, borang bole tertinggal plak ek?

    kawen kat selangor kan :D print out je borang tu... isi sume, bwk pegi masjid kariah (attach skali sijil kursus kawen ngan borang yg dh di approve utk lelaki) mintak die sain

    bile dh dpt sain, bwk sumeee skali benda yg die mintak pegi JAIS, nnt byr bape hengget ntah tak ingat plaks :P then settle!

    tp aritu kite guna org dlm. isi sume tros pass kat die. then tutup mata :P

  2. hanim..i dulu start 3mths before..
    1.)print n isi borang groom&bride
    2.)3 mths before-groom must submit to pej agama n after he get the cop,return 2u
    3.)u keep first..2 mths before,u see tok kadi yg nak nikahkan u.bring wali&2 saksi..
    4.)pas dpt cop,u submit to pej agama.sape2 pun boleh tlg submitkan
    5.)they will issue surat kebenaran nikah&u keep
    6.)1 week before nikah,bagi segala form tu dkt tok kadi yg tadi

  3. alamak rumit gak nk kawen ie ek..hik3
    tapi kawen nye pasal i sanggop kot..hahaha

  4. fuh fuh 2 bln lagi yer. dah dekat bangat tuh ^-^

  5. fiza : yurp.. di selangor.. bestnye if ada org dlm.. hurm, ada sesapa x yg nk jd my org dlm?? uiks.. n'way, tq ya..;)

    diah : sgt melegakan tgk u nye list..tq so much..a bit panic cz 2 mths left dgn cuti yg dh dibekukan..adoii..

    k.hanie : yeayh! i have to do it! heee..sgt rumit n sumtime agak melemaskan laa..tapi menyeronok kan.. cmner tu? ;P

    fucshia : sgt2 dekat..another 11saturdays to ga.. wuargh!! scary..

  6. I print from website
    pas tu my hubby got a letter from his boss -- surat pengesahan bujang and I got from mine
    pergi kursus kahwin -- time tu dia ajar prosedur dia
    isi borang
    hubby gi jumpa the pendaftar nikah untuk sign and chop -- kira dia bermukim kat selangor
    dia pass kat my dad then my dad went to see the pendaftar nikah settle my side *which is easier since the tok kadi had nikahkan my elder sis 2 years back so I did not need to be present in front og him*
    hantar papers to pejabat JAIS kat shah alam
    then diorang bagi surat kebenaran nikah

    I did mine 2 months before


Sweet notes