Could anybody stop the time for a while? Now i realised, I hate ticker! and that’s why i put it at bottom.. reason, evrytime tgk si ticker tu bergerak.. haish,, make me nervous, panic etc.. 2 months left.. and i just noticed i didn’t fill in the ‘borang nikah’ yet! wahahahah! Ni mau kawen ke xmau nie?? Everytime people asked how’s ur wedd preparation?? My answerd wld be “ so far so good – sambil tersenyum cam kerang busuk” plus listing all the items yg dah settle; pelamin, souvenir, guest list, catering n bla bla bla.. wat about the form? Phew!! sgt tersentak.. NOT YET..
Some queries bout the form..
1. Cld i just print the form frm the internet? Or still have to get it from pejabat agama??
2. If not mistaken, have to send it to pejabat agama at least 1mth earlier, is it?
3. Cld anyone else send it to pej agama on behalf of me?