
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lambaian Baitullah


Syukur, i'm home!! sampai msia ptg ahad. semalam pengsan kepenatan & tambah pula mata masih lagi sakit. rindu yang teramat sgt of course kepada en suami & rindu juga Kaabah yg maha cantik.. Azam akan kesana lagi suatu masa nanti.. amin..

in front of Kaabah
there is nothing i could say, it was a very emotional moment when i see the kaabah.. hilang penat 8jam dalam flight. air mata berjurai2 dengan sendirinye tanpa dipaksa. Ya Allah, agong nya Kuasa Mu.. hanya bongkah hitam tapi mampu mengumpulkan sekelian hambaMu..
di depan Masjidil Haram
ready for umrah. it was my 1st time for Friday prayer.. exited!. Alhamdulillah time we all buat umrah petang jumaat tu agak selesa..ramai yang buat malam lepas solat maghrib, mungkin sebab cuaca sejuk skit malam2..

back to hotel.
our hotel just 300m from masjidil haram.. xbanyak pic yang i ambik sebab kat arab, bukan budaya diorang bergambar2.. i nk snap pic diorang pun x boley.. along this road, sebenarnya ramai peminta sedekah.. xpecially org berkulit hitam. i nak ambik pic but my husband not allowed cz takut diorang marah. yang syoknya, si kanak-kanak kecil ni pura2 xda tangan.. tangan dilipat letak kat bahu then cover dengan tudung.. pura2 kudung.. padahal if tengok betul2, siap bley garu-garu badan lagi.. sedey sgt tengok camtu.. si mak pulak perhati dari jauh.. Allah bg sempurna sifat, tapi disalah guna.. ;(

on da way to Madinah al Munawwarah (2nd holiest city)
konvoi beramai-ramai. together with hubby's frends.. distance 400 m from jeddah. such along journey.. but really worth it..

at masjid Nabawi

where the final resting place of our Holy Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW). such a calm & peaceful place.. again, mixed emotions.. flowing tears again and again.. i cant perform sollah as my best frend (the dott) was with me that time.. "redha"that's the best word to make me calm.. Allah knows what the best for me.. only Doa and really hope i will be here again and could perform sollah and visit Makam of the Holy Prophet and His two Campions.

@ Masjid Quba (1st mosque in Islam)

my hubby lead the group. lucky he got sence of directions.. huhuh.. we dont have tourist guide. so we just follow the bus/taxi/van to get idea where the exact location. ;)

@ Bukit Uhud ( battle of Uhud took place)

shopping dates @ Bukit Uhud

here we are.. the group members.. ;)

others: also visited
1. Qiblatain mosque ( where the qibla changed from Jerrusalem to Mekah)
2. Jabal Nur ( Hira cave where Nabi received His first revelation)
3. Mina, Arafah & Jabal Rahmah

Ya Allah, syukur & thank you soo much for inviting me and let me touch & kiss Ur Kaabah.. i wish this will not be the last for me..Amin..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am not OK


memang betul2 dugaan.. i'm sick.. i got sore eye.. conjuntivitis to be exact.. why it hppend now!!! i only have another 4 days with my hubster.. suddntly got sore eye.. oh my!! sedey kan?? nak keluar dengan mata merah.. perit yang teramat sangat..

now, quaran my self.. just stay at home. i dun want it to be spread to others.. woried kids will infected.. semalam i pergi few clinic.. tapi semua general doc kat sini x boleh bagi consultation.. mmg xfaham.. they ask us to see eye specialist.. i was like.. ergh!! i dun need specialist! it just a norm conjunctiva??

wat to do.. itu lah Jeddah.. huh.. tetiba terasa nak balik msia secepat yang mungkin.. hope my hubster nye antobody kuat.. biar i sorang je yang kena..

Ya Allah.. aku terima dugaan ini seandainya ini yang terbaik utk ku.. amin...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Siaran tertunda dari JEDDAH..


baru berkesempatan nak update blog..Alhamdulillah, sampai juga akhirnya ke tanah suci Mekah.. dan yang paling happy sebab dah jumpe en.suami terchenta.. hurray! :) flight on the 8th @ 3pm..my parent anta to KLIA.. they just drop by.. hati a bit dup dap cz this was my 1st time terbang sorang2.. about 8hours.. huh, boring nye Tuhan je yang tau..since MAS sume penuh coz very last min booking ticket & ramai orang buat umrah time2 cmni, so i book saudi airline.. kebetulan saudi airline punya ofis, dekat sgt dengan HQ.. gamble mtk on the 8th.. in waiting list.. doa sekembung nk juga terbang on the 8th okey, so dat i bley dpt 3 kali jumaat with my hubster.. jeddah cuti jumaat jer..

smpi pukul 11pm(waktu msia ; 6pm waktu jeddah).. u know what, sangkut kat passport control kaunter lama gele.. ramai jemaah umrah from msia sangkut.. i just dunno why & really dun u/stand why they take so long to process the details.. 1 malay guy kena rampas camera just bz he snap pics while waiting his turn.. i was like, OMG, there is no sign saying no pics allowed or etc.. at least, ckp la elok, or give warning 1st.. ish, kesian dia.. then tgh q, simply tutup kaunter bgtau nk solat.. the officer just left the kaunter ockay?? omG, x nmpk kah ramai makcik2, nenek2 tua tgh que nie?? at least, cari la ganti kan?? kawan2, percayalah, MSIA is much much better ya!

after 20 min que kat umrah punya line, i mmg dh x tahan.. worried my hubby waiting outside cz comm b/down.. i tought pakai prepaid, boley automatic roaming.. i called him, ringing but no answer..rupanye, dia x dpt pun i nye call tu.. heran tul.. so tekad tukar lane.. g utk bisness.. lucky dia terima sbb i visit visa not umrah.. if i tggu juga kat umrah td, berjanggut la.. silap2 kena marah cz line up kat umrah nye lain sedangkan i visit visa.. hohohoho.. layan pic la eyh..

abaikan muka bgn tido yer..

nmpk seat sebelah i tu.. sorang pak arab concur semua seat.. siap posing cam tdo kat umah plak.. lena gele.. abes dia ambik bantal2 & selimut seat kosong lain.. melampau sungguh.. huhuhu.. then mtk plak i nye head set padahal semua org dapat satu.. xfhm sungguh!..

tggu dlm keta je while en.suami bli mknn.. i confident nk turun join mkn.. rupanya xley keluar.. & mmg semua lelaki je kat kdi tu..ergh..bley byg x cmner kehidupan kaum hawa kat sini??

sampai, terus check in then terus buat tawaf qudum( tawaf selamat datang)..

till then ya..next update on lambaian baitullah... :)


Thursday, April 1, 2010

drop by..

hanya mampu singgah kejap sambil baca-baca update blg kawan-kawan.. nak update B&B pun macam sangat la terlambat plus pic kat handphone hilang begitu sahaja.. jangan di tanya sebabnye.. xtau apa punca nye. sobs.. TAPI SGT HAPPENNING gathering itew!!

since rindu yang membuak2 kepada En. Suami yang nun jauh itu, maka dengan ini saya mengisytiharkan bahawa saya akan terbang mengejar rindu! ayat x ley tahan) ;P sbb tu blog x sempat nk update.. dengan tender in & out, time nak cuti nila kerja yang melambak-lambak.. pluss.. i nak start buka buku umrah..
1 week to go.. yeayh!!