Sunday, August 30, 2009
sakit hati & give me space to breath..
part 2
i really need space to breath.. xtau nape terlalu sensitive lately nie.. hati mmg x tenang n rasa byk sgt dugaan yg dtg. keja, personal & mcm2's not nice to mention here i think.... maybe this month x byk post entry.. xder mood teramat sgt...really hope i bley smbg blog nie asap k..
till then..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wishing you a Blessed Ramadhan
Puasa during single mingle time :
1. mummy yg akn kejut sahur.. if married, no more!! ~ hubby kejut kan ker? or kita kejut dia?? hohoho
2. all food dh tersedia. lengkap with nasi, lauk, sayur, dessert~ married, kita kena sediakan sendri. silap2 hubby suh masak kat umah. pening kepala nk masak ape n br tau bertapa peningnye mak2 kita tu nk sedia buka puasa..
3. boley g bazar ramadhan with siblings ~ married, g berdua or maybe sorang2 jer.. :(
4. raya hunting with family!! sure younger bro bising cz kena ikut kakak2 dia g bli by laki mana suke jln byk tempat kan? ~ married, kena pk bj raya for hubby, then jln pun berdua jer.. the more the merrier!!
to my luv, i'm not telling u that i'm not happy/ready to be with you ya..hehehe.. saje suka2 nk meng"compare".. sume org akan lalui benda ni.. :) to my luv, salam ramadhan ya.. puasa elok2 kat perantauan tu..this will be your 2nd time puasa kat sana..U, time study dulu kita selalu g terawih sama2 kan?? n/yr g sama2 lg eyh.. :)) to all bloggers, silent readers, family and frends, salam Ramadhan Too.. semoga ibadah kita diterima Allah
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Kawen Free?? jom join!!
Hello Peeps!!
i baca paper this morning n found this!!
to all bride 2b, u r invited to participate "Gerbang Cinta MEGA-Utusan" yang menawarkan pakej perkahwinan dan pelbagai hadiah bernilai RM300,000 untuk 10 pasangan bertuah yang terpilih. Jom kita join ramai2 nk?? i mcm sgt teruja tgk!! sape x nk kawen free kan?? hehehe..
syarat-syarat penyertaan :
1. terbuka kepada semua mereka yang masih bujang dan akan berkahwin buat kali pertama.
2. Bride 2b hanya perlu mengumpul 50 kepala akhbar (masthead) Utusan Malaysia sepanjang peraduan berlangsung iaitu mulai hari ini (20/8/2009)hingga 20 Oktober 2009
3. if not mistaken, kena anta pic bersama fiancee time bertunang.. but,sorry, x sure sgt on this..
difahamkan, ni la 10 penaja yang terlibat :
-Orked Art and Decoration,
-Mastar Catering,,
-MAEPS Management Sdn. Bhd.,
-Kampung Pengantin Kuala Lumpur,
-Picture Elements,
-Jurusolek Afidah Khamis,
-T&T Boutique,
-Rumah Acara
-QM Worldwide Holidays.

Pheeeww!! sgt seronot nye kawen ditaja.. meh2.. sama2 join..kepada yg sudah selamat diijabkabulkan.. maaf ye.. penyertaan anda ditolak :P
hrp2 ada bloggers yang terpilih.. jgn lupa jemput eyh.. hohoho
Monday, August 17, 2009
Drop BY
till then..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
~sad~ happy~ worried~
. suppose spend time with my fiance. discuss wedding prep issues.. but have to stay back everyday tender nye pasal.. aiyarrk!
. kena cancel dinner with him yesterday..
. cancel tgk muvee

really sorry dear..
.finally his bag arrived yesterday, n terus mtk GIFT dgn x malunye :P
.all the cards arrived..souvenir~done, card~done..Yippie!! these the two items that i worried soo much, souvenir = takut pecah, cards, takut xdpt ape yg i nak.. but alhamdulillah, semuanye puas hati.. except color of the card. :( suppose gold, turn out, cam cream. hurm..i cld say, ok laa.. masih menyukai nye.. :))
serabut alam pk nk kawen.. en tunang nk balik jeddah n/week, form nikah x sign lagi.guess wat, en tunang akan balik time cuti kawen nati! adoi!! balik mmg utk kawen je eyh?? wedd preparation on his side sape handle? hurm, kena tlg pk gak kot cz his parent too bz.. at least bley start tanya anything yg left out..
oopsS! xlarat nk cite pjg2.. soo sleepy.. anyway, rasanye HAPPY MOOD masih mengatasi semua mood2 yang ada kat ats tu kot.. hukhuk!!
to my boo~ TQ SOOO MUCH for the luvly gift eyh.. terima kasih daun keladi, teramat suka & mmg ternanti2 gift u tu.. ;P
layan pic..
Finally, dapat gak samsonite!! yeayh!!
puas hati, warranty 10 thn!! :)
selamat sampi..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Things i might forget on my Big day..
1. Hairpins and safety pins. These are great for modifying loose gowns and clothes or veils.
2. Snacks or a light meal. This is compulsory!! Experienced once on my bro’s wedding.. x lalu mkn cz amat bz nk bersiap here n there.. kat meja beradap pun mkn sure x kenyang kan? Control macho..hukhukhuk.. Before the couple, especially pengantin perempuan starts to prepare for the wedding it is best to have a light snack or meal to last YOU until the reception. It takes several hours to prepare for the wedding ( make up, tudung and dress) and another couple of hours for the wedding ceremony. U have to smile all the time tau.. if x mkn, pengsan sape nk jwb?? Berbulan prepare for wedding, tapi pengantin pengsan or pucat lesi.. x sesuai!!!
3. Handkerchief. For sure I’ll need this!! Sgt murah air mata if tgk mak n bapak pengantin merenjis.. even abg kawen pun, my mum bergenang2 dah..aisey!! ni kan pulak anak dara dia.. wuargh!!..
4. Give your wedding photographer a list of poses and people that you would like to be included in your wedding.
5. I’ll give the list to my DJ too.. make sure he know my family.. so xmau tersasul2 plak nati.. I’ll go over the details to be clear a few days before the big day.
I think these are small things that can be of big help on my big day..
Monday, August 3, 2009
last weekend
1. fiance balik frm paris!! yeayh!! dating puas2.. **wink wink.. xbesh cz, tuan punya bdn je balik, beg till now x smpi2 lg.. bley x cmtu??
2. celebrate bufday bb alya (niece).. Alya is turning "1" last saturday!! HAPPY BUFDAY ALYA!! but, x sempat celebrate betul2 cz kena balik kg cousin kawen..
3. bley join g cousin kawen kat parit buntar nun..
sampi2 kg, amat terpegun tgk pelamin my cousin.. wow! betul2 zaman dh berubah, dunia dh maju.. pelamin dia superb.. ada kelass.. yela, normally, kg nye pelamin selalu sama jer..susah nk cari yg ikut zaman.. but she could find it! sape kata pelamin kg x cantik??? yg sgt best, set pelamin nikah+ sanding, meja mkn, n bilik tdo, kek 3 tingkat + photographer siap package outdoor, make up and baju sumenye hanya RM4,500.00 shj!!! teramat2 la murah kan kwn2?? catering kat kampung rm5.50/head.. huhuhh!! dan2 my dad suh buat kenduri kat kg.. best ada sawah padi yg menghijau..but, ada ke org yg sanggup dtg jauh2 tu wahai abah ku syg?? :P
jom layan pic..
pelamin..suka rumput2 yang kat stage tu.. but, slack the purple colour tu kot... if cream, sure lg comey.. cewaaah!
bilik tdo.. to me, agak sarat, but nice.. lain dr yg lain.. siap ada bubu ikan lg!! :)
meja santap.. siap ada fruit carving lg.. DIY okie.. cz dh keja chef, sure la DIY jer.. :))
inilah dia, raja sehari..sempat snap dr jauh jer..
sawah padi menghijau..
ni la buah hati pengarang jantung ku!! teramat la active!! siap mkn petal rose tu ha!! hohohho!